Willingness to share is not limited by age
JTS America has received a very meaningful and precious donation. Thoughts of charitable givers often conjure up images of senior citizens in our minds. However, this time the donor is a fourteen year old student, Aiden Kim of Champaign, Illinois. Inspired by his mother, he has been donating on birthdays and on Christmas, pursuing the value of sharing from a young age. We interviewed Aiden about his motivation for fundraising, current status and plans for the future.
“JTS is different from other organizations in that it is led by non-paid volunteers,” said Aiden. “Most of the donation is used directly for the people in need. This made me trust JTS.”
“I saw the videos on poverty in many regions of the world. This reminded me of the story that I heard from my mother about begging children in India that she saw when she traveled in India two years ago. I decided to help people in poverty, planned how to raise funds, and donated the funds to JTS.”
Since Aiden wanted to raise funds strategically, he downloaded the logo of JTS America and made posters and donation boxes. He started by setting donation boxes up in three restaurants run by his parents. The posters he made were as good as posters made by professionals.
Through his efforts, Aiden raised $500 for JTS America. His fundraising was especially impressive considering that 2020 was a difficult year, with many schools and businesses closed throughout the United States.
Aiden described his experience as heartwarming, since his contribution would be delivered to people who really needed it. At the end of the interview, Aiden said that his role was just delivering the donation and thanked the people who donated. We were glad to interview Aiden, who helps people and participates in the practice of sharing with others.
“I will expand my fundraising efforts,” Aiden said. “I have already received approval from a new small business owner to set up more donation boxes. I plan to expand to nearby colleges and cities.” He is also planning to enhance his posters and to make more donation boxes. Given his passion, we believe that his plans will work very well.
During his fundraising, Aiden kept the story from his mother and the begging children in India in mind. He said that age has nothing to do with fundraising; if children can beg in the street, children can also raise funds.