JTS Provides COVID-19 Emergency Relief Aid to Tamil Nadu, India.

JTS donated oxygen concentrators and beds to six hospitals in the four regions in Tamil Nadu in Southern India, which has been recording the largest number of COVID-19 cases in India.

In last May, everyday activities stopped in India because new Covid-19 cases increased to more than 410,000 per day. Recently, new cases per day decreased to 30,000-40,000, and the cases of death were less than 1,000. However, India is still under the third wave of Covid-19.

In Tamil Nadu, the Covid cases had risen dramatically since last April, and reached to 35,000 cases per day on May 23rd. Since then, the cases decreased and reached to 16,800 cases on June 11th. Although new cases decreased, the region still has the largest number of Covid patients. Hospitals have insufficient oxygen concentrators and beds.

JTS provided oxygen concentrators and beds to six hospitals in four regions (Chennai, Belur, Tiruchirappalli, Puducherry), as the Foundation of His Sacred Majesty (FHSM), a local NGO in Tamil Nadu, requested help. FHSM has been supporting Covid patients and disadvantaged communities and helped JTS do preliminary research and select the hospitals to support. After preliminary research, JTS provided 20 oxygen concentrators and 50 beds for Covid patients.

We pray for the safety of the people in India. JTS will keep monitoring the situation in India and continue to provide the necessary relief aid.
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