JTS Farm in the Philippines
Farming is the main source of income in most villages where JTS Philippines carries out aid projects. So as part of its village development plan, JTS Philippines has set its goal to increase income through farming. JTS volunteer staff members sought out local professionals in the field for advice and have been putting the knowledge they obtained to the test on the JTS farms.
Since farming begins with making the land good for farming, JTS volunteers worked on preparing the land for farming starting from February. Although they estimated that the job of leveling the land would be completed in 10 days, it took longer due to the problems caused by the break down of the old equipment.
The Department of Agriculture (DA) has been studying methods of creating compost, fertilizer, nutritional supplements, and pesticide using microorganisms and fermentation based on natural Korean farming techniques. For instance, they used Ganda Microorganism Solution (GMS) on the fruit farm for 10 days and rejoiced when they saw the tree become healthy and bear more fruit.
Although the research and application of the new farming technique are still at their initial stage, it is hoped that the lives of the people in these remote villages will be improved through the research and development of various farming techniques, which can be passed on to others.