Kanahol School in India Now Has a New Groundwater Pump, A Small Gifts

On March 20, JTS India developed groundwater resources at the Kanahol branch school of Sujata Academy. The Kanahol branch school is located in a village on the other side of Pragbodhi, which is in front of Sujata Academy. 159 elementary school students and 105 preschoolers are studying at the Kanahol branch school.
Although the Kanahol branch school had access to water through a hand pump installed by JTS, the amount of water was not enough. There was no water supply system even in the school’s restrooms, so the water from the hand pump had to be carried by hand to the restrooms. We developed groundwater resources to solve this issue. We worried that there could be many failures in developing these resources, such as nearby stratas not having enough water and local tectonic plates being inappropriate for excavation. JTS activists were concerned because of these possible issues, but we were fortunate to find enough groundwater after excavating 53 meters down.
The groundwater acquired through using motors will be used for drinking water for students. The water acquired through pipes will be used to fill water tanks in the restrooms.
We are glad that we are able to provide enough water to students before summer, in which the temperature will be more than 45 degrees (Celsius).