The Workers of Sujata Academy
Every day at 8 AM, the bell rings to mark the start of the day. This bell, called “Sound of Peace,” can be heard from every part of the Sujata Academy. This is how the day begins at this school.
“Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ! (We research while we work)!, Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ! Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ!”
Not only is the construction department in charge of constructing buildings, but it also oversees maintenance, carries out miscellaneous tasks related to repairs, safety (security), and transportation. On top of that, the department is in charge of purchasing food ingredients on a weekly basis, managing them, and cooking breakfast and lunch for the students.
Project duties are carried out by two collaborating teams: “Mystry,” consisting of professional technicians and “Lever,” consisting of general workers. “Mystry” creates concept plans and leads both teams while “Lever” executes practical tasks. There is ongoing construction for a new cafeteria and an office for the construction department and village development team next to the school. When the new buildings are completed, there will be a bigger project on the existing office lots, where additional classrooms will be built.
Every year, JTS runs the Sunjae training program that allows Korean university students to visit Sujata Academy to do volunteer work during the winter break. Students majoring in construction had a fun time painting the buildings, digging the ground, and painting murals on the walls of kindergartens. It’s wonderful to see Sujata Academy expanding and being taken care of by the efforts of so many different people.
At 4:30 PM, when “Sound of Peace,” rings, people gather together for the end of day meeting. People share about their individual responsibilities and the progress they made, and then conclude the meeting by repeating the “words to remember” 3 times. “Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ!, Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ! Maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ jadōṁ maiṁ kama karadā hāṁ!” With the flaming sunset behind them, the construction workers happily ride their bicycles home to rest. “We had a good day today!”
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