December 2018 Fundraising Campaign to Provide Gas Stoves to the Rohingya Refugees
JTS America will conduct a fundraiser as part of its regular December fundraising campaign in 2018. In October of 2017 and January of 2018, JTS conducted a field survey of the Rohingya refugee camps in Bangladesh and provided relief aid consisting of 40 tons of rice, 700 mosquito nets, and 2,000 blankets. Then, JTS discussed with WFP (World Food Programme) on how JTS could further help the refugees. The two parties came to an agreement that Liquid Propane Gas (LPG) gas stoves for cooking were what the refugees needed the most. In conclusion, they agreed that JTS Korea would purchase the LPG gas stoves and WFP would distribute the stoves, educate the refugees on their usage, and supply the LPG gas for the stoves. The gas stoves will provide children and women safety from dangerous situations that occur in the process of gathering wood, protect and improve the natural environment that has become devastated, and enable the refugees to completely cook their food and improve their malnutrition. On November 24th, the day after the American Thanksgiving Day, 35,000 of the 100,000 gas stoves being manufactured for the Rohingya refugees were loaded onto a ship that left China for Bangladesh. The ship is expected to reach its destination in two weeks.

Of the 100,000 gas stoves being provided as part of a relief program to improve the meal preparation of the Rohingya refugees, Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA) will deliver 32,200 gas stoves and the rest will be funded and delivered by JTS after the Rohingya refugees receive gas stove safety instructions from the World Food Programme, a UN organization. JTS America plans to fund 25,000 gas stoves out of 67,800 that JTS plans to deliver the to the Rohingya refugees. To this end, JTS America will conduct a fundraising campaign in December, 2018. Thank you for your interest and generous donations.
Video of First and Second JTS Relief Aid to the Rohingya Refugees
Contact: 1-301-655-9150 / E-mail:
Donation Methods:
[Check/Money Order] Make checks payable to JTS America
Send it to 4361 Aitcheson Rd, Beltsville, MD 20705