It has been a while since our latest update. From Jivaka Hospital.
Many of our supporters sent us best wishes when the COVID-19 infection cases increased to more than 400,000 in India.
Dongheswari has also been struggling with COVID-19. Residents were sick with fever and body aches. Since many of them live with extended family, both children and adults were infected at least once.
However, most of them got better within ten days. Few people were severely sick. Two of our Korean activists were infected by COVID-19, but they went back to the normal after recovery.
We cannot ensure if residents are infected by COVID-19 because we cannot test all of them. Given the symptoms such as fever, coughing, and loss of taste and smell, however, we believe that they are infected by COVID-19.
Jivaka Hospital organized a special camp and has been checking patients. The number of patients with symptoms is decreasing. We do not see many patients with fever in each village.
In the camp, we had many patients with fever in the first week, but last Saturday, only 10% of the patients had fever.
Because people live very close to nature with many viruses in here, they might take COVID-19 naturally like one of the other viruses.
An engineer from Gaya said that people who do physical labor tend to be less impacted by COVID-19. The staff in Jivaka Hospital are treating patients under the heat. We hope there is no more spread of COVID-19.