November 2020 JTS America Newsletter
Thanks to your donation, the children around the world were able to stay warm in the winter under COVID-19. Thank you as always.
COVID-19 support to Southeast countries
COVID-19 hit developing countries harder than developed countries, Developing countries’ economies are almost collapsing. JTS provided $50,000 of emergency relief through International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB). This was delivered to twelve organizations in Bangladesh, India, Myanmar, and Nepal, which are struggling to combat COVID-19 due to their economic condition.
COVID-19 Support to Southeast countries (Link)

Aid to the extreme poor in India
Dungeshwari in Gaya is under quarantine. JTS India stopped all the activities, but provided emergency aid for the poorest 67 households, who had nothing to eat but JTS’s support in July 2nd and 3rd. We provided 20-25kg of rice, 5kg of yellow beans, 1 liter of vegetable oil, and two soaps to each household. We also provided women clothes made by the students of the sewing class in JTS India.
Help children prepare for the winter
We stored goods for children in North Korea, but it was difficult to send them to North Korea. Thus, we provided part of the goods, 76000 pairs of socks, to Suwon in July. To help children prepare for the winter, we provided additional 4034 pairs of shoes, 1200 pajama pants, 2190 underwear, 3497 winter equipment for kids, and 4000 pencil cases. They were distributed through 62 social welfare organizations.
Help prepare for the winter (Link)
Send cards to your loved ones and make donation to JTS America
How to apply:
- Pick a card that you like.
- Select the amount of money that you want to donate.
- Send the money (at the donation page)
- We email the card when we get the donation.
Click this link at the donation page.
Click the link below for the JTS 2020 Fall Newsletter, which includes the details of our work.
JTS 2020 Fall Newsletter (Link)
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We ask for your continuous interest and participation in our work. Thank you.