May 2019 JTS America Newsletter
We would like to extend our deepest thanks to all of those who have made generous donations to JTS America. Thanks to your donations, we were able to provide food and necessities to refugees, medicine to the sick, and school supplies and education to children who lacked educational opportunities. Also, JTS was able to send corn to North Korea for the children suffering from hunger. Thank you for your continued interest and support.
The Workers of Sujata Academy
At Sujata Academy, every morning at 8 AM, the bell named “Sound of Peace” rings to mark the start of the day. The construction department of the school is in charge of building construction, maintenance, repairs, security, and transportation. In addition, the department is in charge of purchasing food ingredients on a weekly basis, managing them, and cooking breakfast and lunch for the students. The members of the construction department are truly the most hard-working workers of Sujata Academy The Workers of Sujata Academy (

The Farm That Grows Healthy Produce
The JTS Philippines farm located in Mindanao had been neglected due to shortage of labor and lack of farming knowledge. Thanks to volunteers from Korea, it was possible to carry out extensive work on the farm. The JTS Philippines staff in charge of running the farm were able to obtain extensive knowledge related to raising healthy produce from the volunteers. The volunteers stayed in Mindanao for a month and made a big contribution to restoring the farm.

Ven. Pomnyun Sunim’s Visit to North Korea
JTS Chairman Ven. Pomnyun Sunim visited Pyongyang, Pyeongnam, Pyeongbuk, and Gangwon of North Korea between May 3 and May 7, 2019.
The people in North Korea who were suffering the most severe food shortage were those working for mining companies because these companies are not able to export their goods due to the economic sanctions. Therefore, the mining workers and their families are in most need of food aid.
JTS received permission from the government to send 10,000 tons of corn to North Korea. 2,360 tons have already been delivered and the rest will soon follow.
Ven. Pomnyun Sunim’s Visit to North Korea (
Fundraising Campaign to Provide 10,000 Tons of Corn to North Korea
This spring, North Korea is suffering from an extremely severe food shortage. Children in North Korea have little to eat until the potato harvest begins in July.
The 10,000 tons of corn Join Together Society (JTS) is planning to send to North Korea will nourish the children in the form of corn rice, corn porridge, and cornbread and help them survive this period of severe food shortage.
This special fundraising campaign runs from May 12th through June 30th, 2019
Please, help us save lives.
Thank you for your interest and generous donations. Campaign to Send 10,000 Tons of Corn to North Korea (

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To request a charitable donation receipt for your 2019 tax report, please send an email to Thank you for your continued interest in and support of JTS.